Corona Beer Virus VS Coronavirus

Hello There! Today we are going to talk about a very serious situation, the Coronavirus! When this hit the news a lot of people thought that is was a more of a joke about having a hangover. However, it is not at all that! Here is the truth about the Corona Beer Virus!

corona beer virus

Coronavirus VS Corona Beer Virus

The Coronavirus is a respiratory infection that was first detected in Wuhan, China. At first medical professionals thought that it came from seafood markets. However people that were nowhere near these markets were coming down with the symptoms. This proves that this can be transferred between humans as well. Unfortunately it is not yet clear as to how easily this is to catch from our fellow humans. However, it is thought to be spread much like other respiratory Illness such as the flu. Coughing, sneezing, or touching places that might have droplets from those things happening is likely to be the cause.

Now, the Corona Beer Virus is simply from consuming way too many delicious Corona Beers! The alcohol in the beer will dehydrate you and cause your body to react in a not so fun way! We know for certain that this is in no way shape or form transmitted between people! So enjoy your Cornona Responsibly and never worry about catching the not so fun Corona Beer Virus!

What Symptoms To Lookout For

There are really only three things to watch out for when it comes to the Coronavirus. Fever, Cough, and Shortness of Breath. If you feel any of these things happening to you, go see your doctor right away! With that in mind, the symptoms may take anywhere form 2-14 days to appear.

With the Corona Beer Virus you will see stumbling, slurred words, possible uncontrollable laughter, and hugs. Soon after possible vomiting and then the “virus” part sets in! You may no longer be able to keep water let alone any food in your stomach. Possible headache along with the rest of your body aching. So tried!

How To Keep Them Both Away

At this time there is not any type of vaccine for Coronavirus so it is very important to take any and all precautions! Really basic hygiene is key! Remember to Always Stay Home if you are feeling Ill!!!!

Wash Your Hands, wash your hands, and wash your hands!! Please for Pete’s Sake use Hot Water and Soap! Scrub for in the very least 20 seconds! I taught my kids to sing the ABC’s or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to make sure that they scrubbed long enough. If you don’t have soap and water available grab a Hand Sanitizer that is at least 60% Alcohol. These are never as good as Soap and Water but do help to kill some germs!

corona beer virus

Every single time that you sneeze or couch grab a tissue and discard it immediately! This will keep all of the germs in the trash and not on your surfaces! Speaking of surfaces, disinfect them often! Any surface that is touched but multiple people is super important! Places such as door knobs, sink handles, and even the toilet are so important to keep clean if you or a family member have caught this or any other virus! Always wash and disinfect bedding after as well!

If you notice that someone is looking sick, keep your distance if possible! The further the better but at least 6 feet is best! Do not touch them or let them touch you! I know that sometimes these things are out of our power, but taking precautions is never a bad thing.

As for the Corona Beer Virus it is simple! Do Not Drink Too Many and always have some food and water before and while you are enjoying this adult beverage!

What To Do If You’ve Already Caught Either The Coronavirus Or The Corona Beer Virus

Really the best thing to stat with is go see your doctor. They can test to make sure that you do indeed have the Coronavirus. From there follow any direction your doctor gives you. Something I learned from my Mom who learned from her Mom is to Feed a Cold and Starve the Flu. With this also being a virus the same general rules should apply. Try to keep some water in your system if possible. Taking small bites of crackers and bread can help to ease the upset stomach. From my experience in life it takes about 7 days for a virus to run it’s course. Try to get plenty of rest because it really is your best medicine!

With the Corona Beer Virus rest and water are really your best bets! Having some salty and sweet snacks can also help to make your body feel better. You will be needing those things since they were most likely lost when you started vomiting. In fact, time is the ONLY thing that can cure a hangover! If you think that you or a friend might have Alcohol Poising, go to ER right away to prevent death!

If you are unsure about proper hand washing, go here to get complete directions from the CDC!

Want to be more Healthy? Go check out a few ideas!