Szondi Test Is So Interesting

Hello There! Today we are going to talk about The Szondi Test. My husband was working out of town last week and came across this interesting test. I have never heard of this but was instantly intrigued! This is a little creepy and very interesting! Both my husband and myself found it to be pretty accurate, and I’m curious if you also find it to be!

What Is The Szondi Test?

Let’s start with a brief history about this weird test. Back in 1935, a Hungarian psychiatrist by the name of Leopold Szondi thought that it just might be possible to see what our darkest and most hidden impulses are. Just how does he plan on doing that? By using pictures of different people, and the aversion we show towards them. Crazy Right?

This test suggests that we are unconsciously attracted as well as repulsed by people who share similarities with us. Now you must pay close attention to the “face” of each mental patient to dig up the repressed impule that might be in you!

This is a simplified version of the original test. Szondi tested with 6 sets of 8 pictures. We are going to use 8 photos today to make this easier to understand. So each of the portraits will reveal a hidden aspect of your human psyche, psychological drives, and even tendencies. Szondi suggests that these latent impulses may have been repressed when we were young children because they were said to be inappropriate.

Here Are A Few Key Phrases You Will Need To Know

There are two psychological terms and their definitions that you will need to be familiar with to understand your results.

Repression is a defense mechanism our minds use to keep us from feeling those emotions or impulses that we think are wrong. When we choose to push down or repress our feelings, a habit, or desire into the unconscious mind our conscious mind is now unaware of it.

Denial is when we choose to absolutely refuse to accept the true reality of our feelings, a habit, or desire. Denial is interesting because it can be both a conscious or unconscious. Our minds are so powerful that it can protect us without our knowledge. When we deny we often adopt the opposite behavior of what we have repressed.

How Do You Take This Szondi Test?

It is so easy! Simply look at the portraits of the people below and choose ONE person who you would NOT like to meet walking down a dark alley at night. Go with whatever person gives you the creeps, disturbs you, or generates fear or disgust within you. Take at least one minute to make a decision, and do not read further until you have chosen a person.

Please keep in mind that in no way shape or form does this imply that you have a mental disorder! Please do not freak out! Just realize that this may be a potentially repressed impulse in your psyche. Indeed you will have some fun with it!

Here We Go! Start The Szondi Test Now!

szondi test

Take Your Time! Choose the face that you would NOT want to meet all alone in a dark alley……

Check Out Your Szondi Test Results Now!

Now simply find the number that corresponds with the face you have chosen!

1 Sadist


This face of a teacher suggests that a person may have repressed some of their childhood experiences associated with authority over ones behavior.


This may indicate that ones psyche chooses to use passiveness when it comes to resistance or defiance. Indeed this can frustrate anyone with authority such as a teacher or boss at work.

2 Epileptic


Choosing this face says that a person may have some personality traits such as outbursts of aggression, impulsiveness, and irritability. They may also have repressed some anger from early childhood.


Although these individuals have pushed down their feelings of anger, they seem peaceful and often bond well with others and their ideas.

3 Katatonic


This one is interesting. This face may say that there is repressed hyperactivity. Due to this these individuals can occasionally loose touch of reality, and have a wild imagination.


These people have a very hard time with change and a fear of not having control. They may be overly defensive and stop others or themselves from being vulnerable due to fear of not acting in their normal behavior.

4 Schizophrenic


In order to fall into this classification a person would have severely distorted thoughts and emotions, and intense apathy. There could be some repressed feelings and an indifference towards others. Additionally there is a possibility that they may have avoided being social early in life.


This persons relationships sometimes feel fake due to the feeling of not needing others in their lives at all. They also deny themselves the fun and happiness that comes with being social especially with others.

5 Hysteric 


These individuals often show narcissism , superficial exhibitionism, and unstable emotions. Furthermore, this person feels a strong need to have attention and approval from others.


Though they seem modest or shy, that is a cover up so they don’t show how much they want to charm and get attention from others.

6 Depressive


This person often feels inferior or guilty, and usually has a low self-esteem.


Often very outgoing and showing a carefree approach to life these people are masking the feelings of melancholy and apathy. Although you will sometimes see them act confident and optimistic they usually feel sad and negative on the inside.

7 Maniac

These people are extroverts and over simulators. More often than not they are reckless with emotions and money. These individuals are often overconfident and can have some trouble controlling themselves.

To deny these tendencies people will show an aversion to noise and things in excess. They will also not provoke any wild behavior due to having trouble controlling themselves.

8 Dissociative Identity Disorder


This may suggest that an individual has a desire to live as the opposite sex. These people might have a conflict with their gender due to a childhood experience.


These people will deny these feelings by making sure that there is no doubt about what gender they are. Additionally they may overemphasize their gender with clothing or mannerisms.

Wow! That is incredibly interesting! Please remember that this in no way shape or form suggests that you have a mental disorder! It is just an interesting study by a Hungarian Psychologist back in the day. I however did find it to be accurate and I learned something new about myself!

If you would like to switch gears and read something funny and factual check this out!