Red Dead Redemption 2 Game Play

Get the most desired game out there today for all of the gamers on our list! Red Dead Redemption 2 Game Play is truly out of this world!

Red Dead Redemption 2 Game Play

Imagine 1899 America, the end of the Wild West era. Arthur Morgan and and the Van der Linde gang are forced out of the town of Blackwater.  After a robbery gone wrong The gang is forced to rob, steal, and fight their way across the rough and relentless heartland of America. They must survive and evade the federal agents and bounty hunters hot on their heels. As internal divisions try to tear the gang apart, Arthur has to decide between his ideals and his loyalty to the gang.  If you love RPG and first person shooter games this is a must have! Rockstar Games (the creators of Grand Theft Auto) will have you amazed with the Red Dead Redemption 2 Game Play! They have made this game one of the utmost intricate games out there!

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Get into the life of Arthur Morgan, Red Dead Redemption 2 Game Play 

The Frontier, Cities & Towns

Find the cities and towns across the immense and incredible world of Red Dead Redemption 2. From the forests of West Elizabeth to the mountains of Ambarino.  The plains of New Hanover to the swamps of Lemoyne. You forge your own path through the last of the Wild West.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Game Play


The diverse habitats and climates of Red Dead Redemption 2 are home to around 200 species of animals, birds and fish. Indeed all of which behave and respond to their environment in a unique way.

Deer, bison and pronghorn roam the plains in large herds. The scavengers quickly sniff out carrion (the decaying flesh of dead animals). In addition, sockeye salmon leap upstream, wolves attack in packs surrounding their prey. Furthermore, geese fly in fixed formations, possums play dead, rodents scamper into tree hollows. The grizzly bears bluff charge when threatened, and birds of prey soar around thermals. They all must continually fight for their place on the food chain do their part for the complex ecosystem. The wilderness is both a bountiful and perilous place. For both man and beast, and any predator can quickly become prey. Beware of the dangers that wait, not everything is as easy as it seems.

Hunting & Fishing

Hunting and fishing are essential skills for survival in the wilderness during Red Dead Redemption 2 Game Play. Just as in real life this provides food, materials and a source of income. Many different types of fish swim the rivers, lakes and streams. Undoubtedly, selecting the right bait or lure is vital to a successful day’s haul. When tracking an animal practice both focus and patience. Be sure to move carefully and watch the wind direction so you don’t alert your prey. Carefully choose your weapon and shot placement. As this is very important and will affect the quality of not only the meat but also the pelt. Which in turn will affect the price that traders are willing pay for them. Additionally, be sure to pick the right gauge of rifle for the size of animal that you’re hunting, or master your bow for a quiet and clean kill.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Game Play

After a successful hunt, you can either skin and butcher the animal on the spot or take it with you whole. Just try not to leave it too long or the scavengers will come looking. Skins, parts, meat and entire carcasses can all be loaded onto your horse to be sold to the butchers in town, taken back to camp for the stew pot, or crafted into clothing or other items. Nature amply provides and there is no reason to ever go cold or hungry.


There are an amazing 19 different breeds of horses in Red Dead Redemption 2 Game Play.  Such as Appaloosas, Arabians, Shires, and Mustangs, each of which handles differently with its own defined characteristics. Horses can be captured and broken out in the wild, purchased from stables, or of course acquired by more underhanded means. Don’t get caught or your bounty grows causing agents and bounty hunters to be on the hunt for you.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Game Play

Care for your Horse

Your horse is your constant companion. It is so important to take good care of your horses! As you will rely on them just as much as any of your fellow gang members. By keeping it groomed and well-fed, you will start to see improvements. Stamina, and performance, and handling will increase. Importantly, it will become less skittish as the bond between the two of you grows. Best of all you can customize your very own horse to bond with as you forge through the world. Choose between 59 different styles of coats. Also choose from a big selection of tack, including saddles, horns, stirrups, and spurs. Now you are ready to start an incredible journey with your incredible friend!

Curious yet about the Incredible Red Dead Redemption 2 Game Play?

The Infamous Van der Linde Gang

A gang of outlaws, renegades and misfits. Bonded together under the charismatic and idealistic Dutch Van der Linde. They have chosen to live together outside the law,  and now fear it may be catching up with them.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Game Play

The Last True Outlaws For Life

Weapon Customization

With countless customization options, such as visual upgrades like new metals, woods, varnishes and engravings. Also performance upgrades, such as new barrels, grips, sights and scopes. Best of all you can design an entirely unique weapon that looks and handles exactly the way you want it to. Moreover, every weapon’s performance varies in terms of damage, range, fire rate, accuracy and reload speed. Keep in mind how important it is to choose wisely depending upon the situation.

Weapon Recommendations

While on horseback, the high fire rate of a Double-Action Revolver works well.  If you’re carrying something in one hand, like a lantern or small animal. Consider a Sawed-Off Shotgun which packs a much bigger punch at close range than other one-handed weapons. Without a doubt when hunting small game, the Varmint Rifle should be your go to weapon. Due to it’s small size it’s much less likely to damage the quality of the pelt and meat than a firearm with a bigger shell size. In return making you more money with traders.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Game Play

When you’re up against only one or two enemies, you might want to use a Springfield Rifle. The higher damage this inflicts will definitely make up for it’s slower rate of fire. Of course, for range a sniper rifle of some kind is obviously a good choice. In addition, scopes can be fitted to all other types of rifles enabling you to switch between regular view and scope view at any time.

I have personally watched and listened to countless hours of this mind blowing game! Recently online game play has also been added to this already overflowing with options game. Undoubtedly loose track of time while entranced in your surroundings and the wild! Not to mention the interesting characters will come across on your way! Don’t wait too long or you might miss out!

Go here now and start Red Dead Redemption 2 Game Play Today!

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