Meditation Is Good For Everyone

Hello There! Today I want to talk with you about meditation! Mediation is good for you in so many ways! Today we are going to explore those reasons and I am going to leave you with a fantastic meditation that has helped me in everyday life for years!

Meditation Is Good For Overall Brain Health!

Indeed meditation is good for reducing stress! Since a lot of the focus is on breathing it helps to calm your mind, body, and soul. Some doctors even say that all conditions caused or even worsened inside the body can be relived with meditation! Your brain is the most powerful organ in your body by far! If we as humans utilize more of our brains we could accomplish crazy things, such as moving objects using only our minds!

meditation is good

Furthermore, research shows that the Monks practicing Buddhist meditation have a lot more brain activity! This is called Gamma Wave Activity, and was found in the areas associated with happiness and learning. Interestingly, these gamma waves involve mental process including, learning, attention, and most important, memory. Additionally, the practicing monks also show higher activity in the areas of the brain that control positive emotions like happiness.

Another great benefit for your brain is that this can help to keep your memory in tact! Certainly when you improve your attention and focus it keeps your brain felling young! There are some practices such as Kirtan Kriya which involves chanting, and specific finger movements helps improve concentration! This can also help to improve the memories of those suffering from dementia with just two minutes of meditation a day! Amazing!

Let’s Explore Different Types Of Meditation!

Of course there are many types of meditation from all of the world! Culture, tradition, and schools of thought have formed these different methods. Accordingly, they can also be taught and practiced in different ways.

We all certainly have our individual reasons to meditate. It is just as individual as our commitment to it. If you are unsure of which type to use ask yourself these simple questions.

What benefits are you looking for using meditation?

How much time do you have, or are you already spending practicing?

Furthermore, all people learn and practice differently. For example, some people prefer to practice alone while other like to be in a group setting. Have no worries, there is no best type or way to meditate! It is more about what you are looking to achieve. Here are the most common types to help you to narrow some things down.


With this type there is really only one goal. This is to get our focus on the present. This teaches us to use our sense organs and to make the most of them, then stay connected to this very moment.

Mindfulness Based Stress Relaxation (MBSR)

Interestingly enough this type is most used in office settings. The idea is to reduce the stress of the employees and leaders. This is a way for everyone to reinvent themselves and helps to keep people from feeling burnt out. With this type, people combine meditation, a mindful body scan, and thought journaling to stay positive and productive.

Self Loving and Kindness

If you are looking to heal your soul or to love yourself more than this is a great type to use! With this you will improve your emotional health, and take charge of your life! Fill your mind and body with self love! Importantly if you do not love yourself you cannot be loved or love others. Self love and care in my opinion should be practiced by every single human!

Meditation Retreats

meditation is good

If you are looking for a more intense type of mediation this might be for you! Retreats are usually in a specific place and can last from a couple of hours to a couple of days. Studies show that people who attend retreats usually have a lower heart rate. Indeed this shows a more calm state of overall mind, less stress, and anxiety.

I do feel that daily meditation is best! Whether it’s in the morning, afternoon, before bed, or all three it’s important! I also feel that combining the types is incredibly helpful! MBSR is most definitely not limited to an office setting!

I Use This Meditation All Day, Everyday!

I know that I am pure spirit. That I always have been, and I always will be! There is inside me, a place of confidence, and quietness, and security. Where all things are known, and understood. This is the Universal Mind, God, of which I am apart, and which responds to me as I ask of it. This Universal Mind knows the answers to all of my problems. Even now, the answers are speeding their way to me. I needn’t struggle for them, I needn’t worry or strive them. When the time comes, the answers will be there. I give my problems to the great mid of God. I let go of them, confident that the correct answers will return to me, when they are needed.

Through the Great Law of Attraction, everything in life that I need for work and fulfillment will come to me! It is not necessary that I strain about this, only believe! For in the strength of my belief my faith will make it so!

I see the hand of Divine Intelligence all about me! In the flower, the tree, the brook, the meadow. I know that the intelligence that created all these things in is me, around me, and that I can call upon it for my slightest need! I know that my body is a manifestation of pure spirit and that spirit is perfect. Therefore my body is perfect also.

I enjoy life! For each day brings a constant demonstration of the power and wonder of the universe and myself! I am Confident, I am Serene, I am Sure! No matter what obstacle or undesirable circumstance crosses my path, I refuse to accept it! For it is nothing but illusion. There can be NO obstacle or undesirable circumstance to mind of God, which is in me, around me, and serves me now!

This is a great lesson! Know this within you!!

These powerful words come from the book Three Magic Words and can be used at anytime during the day or before bed. I also have another way to feel better in general. Go see it here!